| XBLite_Programming_Language

What is XBLite?

XBLite is a concise, simple, powerful, Windows programming language which combines the speed of C with the ease of a modern BASIC syntax. XBLite is a procedural programming language similar to C, Pascal, and Fortran.

With XBLite,  programmers can write code in modular blocks using procedures or functions, making it easy to reuse code and create well-structured programs. XBLite began as a new development branch from the XBASIC project. Since 2002, the XBLite compiler is free, open-source, and published under GPL and LGPL licenses. 

What are the key benefits of using XBLite?

  • Easy to learn BASIC syntax
  • Lightning fast compiler
  • Supports Windows API
  • Native console apps
  • Compact executable files
  • Inline GoAsm assembly
  • Explicit & Auto type variables
  • Dedicated editor XSED
  • 2D game support
  • Fast app development
  • Auto memory management
  • GDI+, OpenGL, SDL
  • GoBug debugger
  • Extensive Math Libraries
  • 300+ demo programs

What do reviewers say about XBLite?

XBLite is an easy-to-use, extremely flexible and powerful programming language, appropriate for both the quick utility and the major project. Of all the Open Source programming languages, none come close to XBLite.”  –Rick–

I use the XBLite compiler due to its similarities to C, but without the complications of memory management. It is simple to learn, yet ideally suited for beginners, students, and programming  professionals alike.” –Michael–

I originally downloaded XBLite because it was free and I’ve been using XBLite for all my major projects ever since. What I really like about XBLite is the comprehensive CHM help file and demo programs. What other free BASIC compiler has a help file with over 400 topics and over 225 demo programs.” –Chip–

Download XBLite v2.43

Download setup file xblite_v2_43_setup.exe OR xblite_v2_43.zip and then Win32 API Help file win32hlp.zip

Run the XBLite setup program and install to the directory of your choice. Then unzip the Win32.chm help file and move it to the c:\xblite\manual folder. See additional setup instructions in the README_INSTALL.txt file in the c:\xblite folder.


After installing XBLite, go to the Getting Started page to learn how to create a “hello world” console program.


Join the XBLite forum on Google Groups and get answers to your questions about programming with XBLite.